Is this 40....
5 lifelong friends decide to take their friendship to a whole new level by forcing themselves to talk about the things they wouldn't normally talk about at 40. How honest will they be with each other though and how deep are they prepared to go?Real friendships, real conversations, real life. Featuring: Michael Absalom, Jack Freud, Jonathan Corby, Dan Ridgers & Christopher Lees
10 episodes
#10 - Fun in our 40s
It's the final episode of the series and we're piloting out the podcast booth at 180 Soho House, a swanky new members bar just off The Strand in Central London.On the agenda for the evening - Fun in our 40s. What does that look and soun...
Season 1
Episode 10
#9 - Pear Tree Cafe (Ft. Corbs)
It's time for the final 1-2-1 catch up with another one of the lads, as we try to unravel the great mystery behind turning 40 and what it's all about? Where should we be in our lives? What life lessons should we know by now? And wha...
Season 1
Episode 9

#8 - The boys are back in town
It's been a topsy turvy year for our group of 5 life long friends, who have had plenty of time during lockdown to reflect on life at 40, but how much will they be willing to share with each other about their individual struggles and the emotion...
Season 1
Episode 8

#7 - Reflection (ft. Jack)
It's safe to say it's been a slightly different year to what we were all expecting! With work thin on the ground for some of us in 2020 how have 2 of our 5 friends (Abs & Jack ) been coping with the challenges the global pandemic has thrown...
Season 1
Episode 7

#6 - New Dad (ft. Ridgo)
In this weeks episode of 'Is this 40' we get the lowdown from Dan Ridgers (aka Ridgo) about what it's been like to be a new Dad at 40. We hear about some of the challenges he's faced during lockdown and he shares some of the valuable life lesso...
Season 1
Episode 6
#5 - Lockdown (ft. Chris)
Due to COVID-19 recording of 'Is this 40' has temporarily been suspended.In the meantime though we've recorded a series of one-to-one telephone conversations with our 5 lifelong friends which you can easily eavesdrop here. ...
Season 1
Episode 5

#4 - The truth about Family Holidays
In this next episode of 'Is this 40' our group of lifelong friends are forced to talk about 'Family Holidays', which actually involves dissecting their own complicated family dynamics. How honest will they be with each other and how deep will t...
Season 1
Episode 4

#3 - The Elephant in the Room
Having successfully navigated their way through 2 pilot episodes our 5 lifelong friends are ready to take the next step in their podcast journey as they prepare to take their friendship to a whole new level by talking about the things they don'...
Season 1
Episode 3